Catherine Pace
Integrated Communications Manager – Digital
“The Social Storyteller”
As an integrated communications manager – digital at Franco, Catherine is responsible for developing digital content strategies that support each client’s specific goals and brand voice. She works closely with clients in a variety of industries to craft share-worthy digital content that drives action beyond a user’s social timeline. She feels she was destined for agency life and thrives on new relationships created and results generated every day.
Working in the digital field since 2018, Catherine started her career at a metro Detroit agency where she served as an account executive. Her love for integrated communications campaigns started during her time at Central Michigan University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in integrative public relations.
Catherine continues to build her skillset through various digital certifications and programs.
If you are looking for the way to Catherine’s heart, share a picture of your pet with her or send along the best TikTok you’ve seen that day. She’ll return the favor by updating you on the latest adventures of JJ, the deaf, senior cat she adopted in 2020.