April had Franconians running around the GMRENCEN for Bring Your Child to Work Day, attending client segments left and right, planning May events, discussing our latest Renaissance Readers choice and more. Check out everything we were up to in April:
Hosted 1,000 Kids
The CBRE team had a busy day when more than 1,000 children came to the GMRENCEN for Bring Your Child to Work Day on April 26. Account Director Elizabeth Robbins-Sabourin, Account Executive Lauren Connor, Digital Marketing Strategist Adriane Groggins, Assistant Account Executive Dana Blankenship and our two PR coordinators Maranda Doney and Harmoni Sargent all showed up at 6 a.m. to begin registration.
We also had fun hosting President Tina Kozak’s two daughters and Senior Vice President Tina Sullivan’s daughter in our office on Bring Your Child to Work Day! They were able to participate in events inside and outside the building, and we even got their input during a quick brainstorm session.
Cooked Up Something Savory with WDIV
Assistant Account Executive Chase Rossman attend a WDIV segment promoting client Hour Detroit’s Savor Detroit Dinner Series with Mary Sutton, marketing and events manager for Hour Detroit, and Public House Executive Chef Brandon Zarb. Chef Brandon was one of two locally and nationally renowned chefs serving a unique and collaborative menu during the week-long event.
Rubbed Shoulders with the DEC

Photo Credit: Rob Widdis
Account Supervisor Dan Horn and Account Manager Joe Ferlito attended a Detroit Economic Club Young Leaders networking event to hear leadership tips from Linda Apsey, president and CEO of ITC Holdings Corp.

From left to right: Dan Horn; Joe Ferlito; Judy Lansky, director of corporate initiatives at Girls Scouts of southeastern Michigan; Lexi Cerilli, Senior Account Manager at Tanner Friedman, Kelly Clement Senior Sales Manager at the Townsend Hotel. Photo Credit: Rob Widdis
Talked PR…at AdCraft Detroit
Account Director Elizabeth Robbins-Sabourin and Digital Marketing Specialist Geoffrey Geist gave aspiring marketing and PR pros from local universities some insights into the public relations business at AdCraft Detroit‘s ADvance program.
Celebrated Student Achievements
Senior Account Executive Megan Peterson and Account Manager Ann Marie Fortunate attended Wayne State University PRSSA’s annual PR Alumni and Student Recognition Breakfast. Congratulations on a great year, Wayne State!
Savored with Hour Media
Delizioso! President Tina Kozak, Account Manager Rene Cizio, Account Director Elizabeth Robbins-Sabourin, CEO Dan Ponder and Account Supervisor Andrea Kenski had the ultimate culinary experience during the first night of Hour Detroit’s Savor Detroit dining series. They indulged in a four-course Italian meal created in collaboration between Chef Anthony Lombardo of SheWolf Pastificio and Bar in Midtown, and Chef Sal Ferro of Old Ebbitt Grill in Washington, D.C.
Conquered Ladies Night Out
Assistant Account Executive James Youness visited the WXYZ/WMYD studio to support the Milford Business Association’s Ladies Night Out event. WXYZ anchor Alicia Smith and Traci Goodnough, owner of For Feets Sake, discussed event details and the latest food and fashion trends available at the bi-annual event.
Talked Industry Books
We decided to read Robert Solomon’s third edition of “The Art of Client Service” as our Q1 Renaissance Readers selection. We took an hour to discuss our favorite chapters and share key insights that we can apply to all corners of our agency. We’re even thinking about making it required reading for new Franconians!
April wrapped up just as fast as it started. Check back later to see how our May turns out – it’s always our busiest month!