How Franco Does PR Ethics Public Relations How Franco Does PR EthicsSeptember was public relations ethics month and Franco didn’t hesitate to jump into the conversation.…Nikki LittleOctober 29, 2018
Park Perks Season Finale Celebration, #GiveAQuarterBack and TEDxDetroit Culture Park Perks Season Finale Celebration, #GiveAQuarterBack and TEDxDetroitHow has September already come and gone? The weather might be starting to cool down,…Nikki LittleOctober 8, 2018
Metro Detroit Youth Day, World Cup, ChevyROR and more! July Franco on the Town Culture Metro Detroit Youth Day, World Cup, ChevyROR and more! July Franco on the TownJuly has come and gone, but the summer season at Franco is just heating up.…Nikki LittleAugust 1, 2018
Franco on the Town Culture Franco on the TownThis month, we packed our bags for Belgium, Canada, Chicago and more! Marie and intern…Nikki LittleMarch 6, 2017
Franco On the Town Culture Franco On the TownFranco spent the last few weeks working with Jay Leno, meeting Elmo and friends and…Nikki LittleDecember 13, 2016