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We’re been hearing a lot lately about the “new normal” that will take place as we emerge from this global crisis. From a communicator’s perspective, we’re looking at ways our teams and clients will play a role in redefining normal as we move into the next phase of the pandemic.

We’ve already navigated so many changes with facilities closing, employees working from home (perhaps for the first time ever) and new safety guidelines being put in place.

Now it’s time for organizations to plan their re-entry into business operations. A big part of this plan is considering how you’ll communicate with your employees when some are back in the office, but others are still working from home. Will you continue to host virtual meetings? What safety guidelines will your organization put into place to help your employees, customers and clients continue to abide by social distancing guidelines?

We’ve outlined these considerations and more in the second edition of our COVID-19 Communications Strategy Playbook.

Download the Playbook

Crisis Communication Preparedness Amid a Global Pandemic


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